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MC: #1063918
DOT: #3336027

Our Mission

Our Mission

Mission Statement

At Plentitude Transportation, Inc., our mission is to revolutionize the logistics & transportation industry on the West Coast by providing unparalleled service, driven by our unwavering commitment to

C.A.R.R.I.E.D.- Communication, Assertiveness, Reliability, Responsiveness, Integrity, Efficiency, and Dedication.

We embrace our strengths and acknowledge our challenges, continuously striving to elevate our team’s performance, and utilize our differences to make a difference, even in times of adversity.

"I am YOUR Eyes and Ears on the West Coast… WE.MOVE.DIFFERENT."

embodies our promise to be the premier partner for our customers, exceeding expectations by fostering a culture of innovation, safety, customer service, and respect.  As we navigate the evolving landscape of the import/export industry, we remain steadfast in our pursuit of excellence and our commitment to enriching the lives of the communities we serve.  Our Mission is to prioritize customer satisfaction and safety by delivering timely, reliable, and accessible transportation services, tailored to the unique needs of the people, businesses, and communities we serve.

At Plentitude Transportation, Inc., we envision a seamless, enjoyable, and sustainable experience for all.  Guided by our core values and a strong sense of purpose, we will continue to thrive and make a lasting impact for the next 100 years and beyond.  Together, we will move forward, transcending boundaries and elevating the world through the power of connection, collaboration, and compassion.